Sunday 21 September 2008

Iftar in genetics department

I had few misfortunate occasion having to have my Iftar in my boss's office. I was very busy learning and doing my informatics work and had to learn a lot from my supervisor, Abg John. It was not really sad moments but it would be very much different in Malaysia. Frankly, I missed all the food especially from our bazar Ramadhan.

8 September 2008

Had chicken kebab and a can of coke. Didn't really enjoy the kebab as it was a bit hot and spicy...

Abg John had Lamb kebab and coke. He love hot and spicey food and found the kebab to be tasty!

In Abg John's messy office...

9 September 2008

Today was the saddest Iftar I ever had in my live. I almost had to have my Iftar in our dept again. I rushed and left my department around seven. I didn't have enough time to prepare proper food for my Iftar. I had to make do of whatever food I had left. I had a doughnut, a date, an apple and a banana with peppermint tea to cool me down. I was angry and stressed today and really needed that tea to control my sanity!

Later, I cooked some fried rice after my prayer. My mum would be very sad if she ever find out what I had for Iftar....

11 September

Another day to work until late hour with Abg John. I didn't have time to go out to get food for Iftar. I only managed to get some hot chocolate and a Twix to break my fast today. Another sad way to have Iftar....

Luckily, I still have some leftover from yesterday. Later, I cooked some rice and had it with some chicken curry. I shouldn't be complaining, I know. At least I still have food to satisfy my hunger...only it took me a little bit longer.

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