The Eid gathering started at 10 am but Mr. T and I went before 11 am by cycling. As St. Ed's and Churchill is not that far, we took only a few minutes to get there through New Hall.
We celebrated Amin's (Zue and Hisham 1st son) and Miss J birthday. Both Amin and Miss J took turn in cutting their birthday cake. Many happy return to both of you. May Allah bless you and your lives....
Amin cutting his birthday cake with Ms ZZ help
And Miss J's turn to cut her cake with all her close friends around. Happy Birthday girl. May you succeed in your MPhil..
Me and Miss J the birthday girl
Our chief, Mr. Kimie gave his opening speech, welcoming us and our new members for this Eid gathering and wishing us well for this Eid and our lives. Followed by a short prayer by Mr. Khairul before we attacked the food!
Mr. Khairul, Mr. Kimie and Mr. Ikhwan
Our main dishes :
Soto (courtesy of Ms ZZ, Mdm Zett and Miss J), Satay without skewers (Mr. Kimie and Mdm Azlin), Roti Jala (Mdm Airina and Mr. Ikhwan), Roti sardin (Ms Intan), lamb rendang (Ms. Belle), Popiah basah (Ms. Fatin) and some others. Everything looked very tasty!
Desserts/Titbits :
Kuih raya brought by Mr. Khairul who'd just came back from Malaysia, some cakes and others. And of course both birthday cakes as well.... Sugar2! We'll be high in sugar afterwards for sure. Haha!
All the gents attacking the food!
And the ladies turn afterwards...
Everyone enjoyed the food and companies. We chatted with each others and it was a very warm and pleasant environment. I hadn't met some of them for a while. Plus we had three new members - Aliff, Azlee and one more name which I couldn't remember. Sorry! To our new members-welcome to Cambridge and hope you'll succeed here. And success for all of us as well. Hisham went through his viva and is currently doing the minor correction. Wow! That's awesome. Congrats! Wish you well when you go back to Malaysia and start teaching...
Here are some pictures of us. Enjoy!
All ladies except Amin and Fahmi of course (Zue's sons)!Us with Sui Seng. We hadn't seen him for a while....
Me, Mdm Zett, Ms ZZ and Ms Intan. Miss J, where were you??
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