The weather was not really good today. It was not sunny at all, quite cold and a little shower from now and then. A bit grim for outing day....
It was Poppy Day as well. Everywhere we saw people wearing poppy flower on their left chest. It was a day to remember WW1 and WW2 victims. People gave their donation and wore the flower....
As planned, two visitors from Sheffield U came to visit Cambridge today. 10 minutes past 11 am, Ain-Ain called me to inform her arrival. She and her friend Mr. Ghani were to meet me somewhere near Trinity College.
I walked quickly from my college, through St John College and met them inside King's College. She looked very happy to finally be here in Cambridge. I took them around King...
The famous King's Cathedral from front view...
The famous activity-punting
We moved from King's to Senate House...
Then to Gonville and Caius College...
I have my group meeting here almost every Thurday....
Later to Trinity College...the most well-known and richest college in Cambridge!
Then to St John's..
St John cathedral
St John's garden always look great in autumn.....
We walked through bridge Sigh and back entrance of St John. I took them to my college, St Edmund's. My not so famous little college.....
The main Norfolk building
And showed them my 'famous' apple trees as Ain-Ain was so excited to see the trees!
But 'floating Ghani' pose???? Heheh!
We didn't just ate the fruits but Ain-Ain and I climbed the tree together. Frankly (not really that proud though!), Ain-Ain will never beat me in climbing as I had years of experience and she barely made it. Haha!
Me and Ain-Ain on my favourite apple tree....
Ain-Ain and I ate some apples freshly plucked from these trees. The apples were so fresh, juicy and sweet. Ain-Ain enjoyed the fruits very much and was so happy as her wish to pluck fresh apples came true. She behaved like me!! Haha! Now she knows where my unlimited supply of apples comes from. She felt sad about the fallen apples on the ground though..... Free apples anyone??
Then, I took them to New Hall college. Mr. Ghani was very excited as it is a all girls college, just like Mr. T. Hehe! We took some photos near the grape trees. We even ate some of the grapes as anyone is allowed to have them...
After New Hall, I brought them inside my college and they posed in my Combination Room. And some pictures outside the main entrance of St Edmund's too...
St Edmund's front garden
We walked back to City Center through Magdalene Street and stopped near Quayside, the punting place. As it was too cold to punt, we just stood there for a while and watched people punted. We bumped into Mdm Zett and Mr. Hefni. Was glad that Ain-Ain and Mr. Ghani met both Mdm Zett and Mr. Hefni, their old time friends.
As we had not had our lunch yet, I took them to Wagamama at Regents Street. Both Mr. Ghani and I had seafood ramen and raw juice.
Raw juice
Seafood ramen
Ain-Ain ordered Prawn green curry with rice and raw juice as she was hungry.
Prawn Green Curry with boiled rice
Mr. T joined us later and ordered himself some chicken starter and sky juice.
Me and Ain-Ain
Mr. T and Mr. Ghani
Mr. T left and went somewhere else after lunch. I took both my guests to Emmanual College.
We walked further inside until we reached the pond. We fed some wild ducks and took some pictures. It was fun feeding the ducks but Ain-Ain and I were a bit scared of the duckies!
Emma pond with wild ducks...Ain-Ain and I fed duckies with cookies crumb...
Wow!mcm BBC News la k.Lin..cepat betul update on my visit..i'm having a very great time there..thanks a lot for your time..really nice having you there to show us your beautiful uni.and yeah the weather really bad..sorry la k.lin terpaksa berhujan with us..and do visit us at sheffield..but frankly speaking,sheff is nothing compared to your place..but will try our best to show u around..maybe peak district will be nice place to visit..
Hi Ain. Mesti le cepat mcm BBC. If not then, Josh will kutuk bersawang! Hehe! Nice having you in Cambridge. Do come again next time. T and I will inform you ASAP about our visit to yours. Have a nice day!!
Jeles... JELESS....
Takmo komen dah. Jeles.
Hi Josh. Jgn le jeles. You should come here. I'll give your a 'special' tour! Haha!
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