8-9 November 2008
Finally, I managed to go somewhere outside Cambridge for short pleasure trip. Ain-ain came to visit me in Cambridge last two saturday. She invited me to visit her in Sheffiled to return favors.
I totally forgot to get myself a railcard until Mr. T pointed in out and nagged me for not having everything in order. Thanks Mr. T, I really needed that!
We left St Ed's around 6.15 am and got ourselves on 6.55 am train to Sheffiled via Leicester. The scenery along the way was not really that interesting as everything look similar. The train moved quite slow to Leicester. It took us two hours to reach Leicester.
Then, we caught the train to Sheffield after asking the train staff as both Mr. T and I (especially me) were not sure which train to take. We reached Sheffield about 11 am. Ain-ain was already there at the station, waiting for us. Wahhh! Finally, we were in Sheffield!
At the market area....

We were quite hungry. We walked (after looking for the direction in the city map) to Oxford Road to get some halal food. The road was not reallt that far from the train station. Mr. T and I used to a lot of walking but Sheffield is a bit of a hill. We found out that we were a bit exhausted!
Another famous restaurant to dine in- Noodle Inn which serves big plates of food! And the prices were not that expensive. And we could order in Malay as the waitresses are mostly Chinese Malaysian students....
Our starter-mixed plater. The portion for three people was so huge! Less than GBP6..
Seafood fried rice-less than GBP 6
Sadly said, nothing much is going on in Sheffield at this time of the year. Ain-ain is still alien to Sheffield and we just made our tour based on some of her and Mr. T's experience. Luckily, the weather was not that bad. We were expecting rain all day but it was only a bit of shower from now and then. God must be on our side!
Welcome to my humble place said Ain-ain...
Ain-ain took us to her one room flat. The flat even though with only one room, still look comfy and nice with a nice kitchen and bathroom.
Ain-ain and me inside her one room flat
We visited several buildings in Sheffield Uni.
The landmark of Sheffiled Uni
The tallest building in Sheffield Uni - Firth Court (the fact that this building is on the hill makes it the tallest!!)
Student community center. They have almost everything here, from cinema, eating outlets and others...
Ain-ain didn't forget to show us her department, Animal and Plant Sciences.
I was amazed to find Perak Lab here! The lab was sponsored by Perak Sultan. God bless our Sultan!
Sheffield City Center
City Council building - Lovely building which houses wedding and other interesting activities, other than the normal admin thingy..
We took the tram to go to the train station. Other than buses, tram provides efficient transportation service here in Sheffiled.
We left Sheffield around five and managed to catch the 5. 25 train to Loughborough, our next destination. We promised Ms Ct Ann a visit since december last year. Ann and two others from Leicester came to Cambridge in December last year to visit Mt. T. That was how I came to know them and we became friends. It was about time that we reciprocated their visit!
It took us an hour from Sheffield to Loughborough. Mr Haris was waiting for us at the Loughborough station with his friend, Mr. Faiz (I think!). He drove us to Ct Ann's house. Ct Ann was busy preparing our dinner, her special nasi briyani. Yummy!! She's a terrific cook and I really enjoyed the food!
We ate quite fast as we planned to go and see the fireworks schedule at 8 pm. Ct Ann drove us there and we saw so many people walking towards the fireworks place. But the weather was not on our side here. It rained heavily. Luckily, I'd my umbrella with me. So did Ct Ann. I shared my umbrella with Mr. T.
The fireworks started quite late, at almost nine due to the heavy rain. But at least, the fireworks was much better than the one played in Cambridge, much bigger in size!
There were quite a number of Malaysian that I met here. Hemm...the Malays community here is bigger than Cambridge. I learnt that they tend to live quite close to each other.....
We went back to Ct Ann place and rest for a while. Then, Ct Ann brought us to one of Malaysian family house who hosted another small makan-makan. Abg Adam and his wife, Kak Maria (I believe that is her name. Mr. T please correct me if I'm wrong) prepared some TomYam noodles and spring rolls. Another makan time, I was so full and couldn't take anymore food......
We went back almost midnight. So tired and sleepy. Could hardly kept my eyes open for long. ZZzzzzz.....
The next morning, Ct Ann prepared some roti canai and dal. She invited Lina and her husband Hisham to join us for breakfast. We left the house around 9.30 as Ct Ann took us to the Burleigh carboot sale first, not very far from her place.
Then, she brought us to East Midlands, the factory outlet, which is situated about less than an hour from her house. Shopping time!! My favourite hobby other than makan and site seeing.
I bought myself my first white gold ring (as all my gold rings are yellow gold). Also bought myself a new pair of black long boots and two new pair of shoes from Clark. Hemm...this was really a treat for me.
Then, eating time after shopping! Ct Ann brought us to their regular restaurant. Kebab kind of food. The food was not only nice but also very cheap. Just imagine, a dish of meat curry plus briyani rice only cost us less that GBP4. So amazingly cheap!!
Ct Ann brought us around Loughborough Uni. Hemm...quite a nice place they have here.
Landmark of Loughborough University....
Business center building (if I was not mistaken...)
We took the 5.45 train back to Cambridge and reached Cambridge past 7 pm. What a nice but tiring trip....
hej! kak lin...haiyah, mine when you wanna return favours? almost a year now...so unfairy...;-(
Amboiii... berdating ngan Mr. T yer... bagus. bagus.
Seronok gi jalan-jalan. Saya nak ikut!
elok la K.lin dah berjaya klua dr cambridge
dah alang2 dok d negara org ambik le peluang berjln2..kalau sy ntah le..kumpul duit bjln aje le nmpk gaya nyer..
Hi Danial. I'm thinking of going to "Kota Bharu" but not sure when. Can you suggest when is the best time? Since I've my rail card, my legs are getting "longer" and if anyone will accompany me, that is...
Hi Josh. Mr. T is like my younger bro and knows England quite well as he travels a lot before. A good company for someone 'blurry' like me. Haha!
Hi Azah. Yep, it's about time I take some time off the work and njoy my life here!
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