28 November 2008
It winter time. The ice rink is back in Cambridge this year. Not wanting to be left behind, we planned for our lab outdoor activity - Ice skating!
Before our ice-skating session started :

Mr. Chris, Mr. Matt, Mr. James, Mr. Anthony (visiting scholar from California), Mdm Silvia (our postdoc), Ms Chih, Ms Irene and her friend, and me bought the 14.00 hour tickets. We paid GBP7.50 each at students' rate.
I was a bit nervous as this would be my second year (and my third attempt) in trying to skate. I was not good last year and probably would be the same "bad" this time.

Having my proper skating shoes on-all set up for skating!
It was a first time for Mr. Anthony, a second for Ms Chih and a third for me. I started with holding the rail in the corner and move slowly until I was confident enough to let go of my grip. Then, I skate slowly and tried to move both my legs. It was not easy as I kept on losing my focus! Once my focus was gone, I lost my balance and had to hold the rail again...
The guys were very good to me, Chih and Anthony. Mr. Chris and Ms Irene help Ms Chih by holding both her hands and led her for a spin around the ice rink. Matt and Silvia helped me for a while. Then Chris and Irene held my hands and dragged me with them for a round. At least that made my money worth for skating!
Matt skate beside me most of the time, giving me advice and injected more confident in me. Before the skating session ended, I managed to skate on my own and surprisingly at a faster rate than last year. I believed my performance was not really that bad this year and I am proud of myself!! Hehe...
Even Ms Chih managed to skate on her own today! Good work Chih..

Ms Chih, Mr Chris, me, Mr James and Mdm Silvia on the ice...
The guys stopped at the Castle for a few round of boost. Silvia and I walked back to our lab to collect our belonging and did some more work before we headed home. I felt tired and hungry. Hemm...probably I lost at least 1/2 kg by skating!
What a nice activity to be involved with. Very tiring but fun....