Officially, today is the last day for Mr. Mie with our group. He has better job offer somewhere else. Too bad that Big Boss is too busy and the Madam in-charge, Pn. A is far away in UK. Hemm...just his luck that many of the important people in the group are not around. Took him and few others to Marry Brown, Sect. 7, Shah Alam for lunch.
What we had for lunch? We ordered different kind of food but Mr. Kim was not satisfied with his selection of noodles.
Ja-cha-cha ordered MB chicken rice. She complained about her food not tasting nice but she took a lot of chilly sauce. I wondered why???

I ordered curry noodles which turned out to be too spicy for me. Mr. Mie ended up finishing both his and my noodles!
Well...Mr. Mie. Wish you all the best in your new career. Hope you'll succeed in finding what you're looking for in life...