4 December 2008
It was Research in Genetics Day today, from 10.30 am till 5 pm. I submitted a poster (an old one actually!). My labmate Ms Chih submitted her poster too, which she presented in Poland in October this year.
Me and my old poster (done in May this year!)

With Mdm SA, Ms Nish - my departmental mates

Ms Chih and her cute poster
Mr Chris presented a talk on his work, 'Indole Inside : The Alternative Dimer Catastrophe Hypothesis'. Mr. Chris talk was very impressive as he's very smart, confident and good in delivering his speech. David Summers, his supervisor must be very proud of him.

At 3.oo pm, the result for the most impressive poster was announced. I knew that I wouldn't win as my poster is not really that good. Matthew Savoian from Fly lab won, congrats to him. But the most unexpected thing happened. After the winner was announced, the judging committee announced that, there was a very tough decision in deciding the winner and guess what?? My poster was the first runner up! Haha! Who would have thought that they would considered my poster among the shortlisted ones. Ghee..... I was glad and happy.
The secretary of RIG circulate email to everyone and congratulated the winner. Not just that, she even mentioned about my name as one of the runner up!
The clause in the email :
"Thank you to those who submitted a poster and well done to Matthew Savoian , who won the most impressive poster competition and the prize of £15.00 cash and a £10.00 voucher. It was a tough decision and the judges, Alfonso, Cahir and Steve had their work cut out choosing a winner, with runners up Noor Azlin Mokhtar, Remy Ware and the iGEMteam"
This really lifted my spirit!! Abg John, Ms Marissa (a lecturer in yeast), my HOD and a few others congratulated me. And Abg John was really proud of me. And all that for being a runner up. If I won, hemm... they might have done much more. Hehe! Bestnyerr.... hari ni.
A pose with the lab members -Mr. Chris, me, Abg John, Ms Chih, Mdm SA, Mr. C, David Summers and Mr. Anthony

And especially, a hug from Ms Marissa for my achievement (even though I didn't win!)